Ribbon Cutting Launches Spark Innovation Center at UT Research Park

KNOXVILLE — A virtual ribbon cutting will launch the Spark Innovation Center at the UT Research Park at Cherokee Farm at 3:30 p.m. today. The center, with six client companies, assists early stage technology companies gain their footings. The companies, under one- or two-year agreements with the center, have space in the Joint Institute of Advanced Materials laboratories and work with staff to … Read More

Materials Science Professor Among Most Highly Cited Researchers

David Mandrus, the Jerry and Kay Henry Endowed Professor in UT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, has been named in the Highly Cited Researchers list compiled by the Web of Science Group and released last week. This is the third consecutive year he has been named in the list. Mandrus leads the Emergent Crystalline Matter group, which is focused … Read More

McCallum Joins UT Research Park as Vice President

Rickey McCallum joined the UT Research Park as vice president on July 1. McCallum draws on his prior experience with the UT Foundation to help the park fulfill its mission to serve as a gateway for collaboration between the university and the private sector.

Tom Rogers outlines vision, ideas for the UT Research Park at Cherokee Farm

“We are in the business of making curated collisions occur,” Rogers explains. Those clearly lead to success on both aspects of his vision for the park – serving as a gateway for collaborations between the private sector and UT and making sure that “this incredible piece of property meets its full potential as a community asset.”